
DBS Industries Limited


Shingles are produced with waste paper, saturated in asphalt, to make it water proof. Their top layer is coated with adhesive salt and ceramic granules. Shingles can either be classified as organic or fibre glass depending on the base. In both instances however, they are saturated in asphalt to make them water proof. Both organic and fibre glass shingles come in either shingle or double layers. The double layer covers a wider area compared to the single layer.

  1. Organic Shingles & FibreGlass Shingles
  2. Shingles come in double and Single layers
  3. The double layer has a wider design features as compared to the single

  1. Fibreglass shingles are heat resistant and flame retardant and are more suitable for hot climates.

  1. Comes in a variety of colours
  2. They are affordable
  3. Ease of Installation
  4. Aesthetically appealing

Percentage of leakages are high and difficult to rectify when not properly installed.



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